We've moved to Windows 10
If you reached this page, you are probably running an old trial version of OfficePrinter and are interested in registering it. If so, and you are running Windows 10, we strongly encourage you to download the latest trial version of OfficePrinter from the online Microsoft Store. This is the version that will have all the latest features and bug fixes. The old version of OfficePrinter will not continue to receive updates.

not running windows 10?
If you’re not running Windows 10, you can still register the old version of OfficePrinter. However, that version will not continue to receive updates. (See the FAQ below for more information.) Click the button below if you still wish to register the old version of OfficePrinter.
OfficePrinter Registration
Microsoft ended mainstream support of Windows 7 in January of 2015, and extended support in January of 2020. Because of that, some of the programming tools and software libraries we rely on for OfficePrinter are not available for Windows 7. Rather than spend resources supporting two versions of OfficePrinter, we decided to focus all our efforts on a version that runs on the platform being used by most of our customers, which is Windows 10.
Yes. Be sure to save your software license registration information (registered name and registration code) that is sent to you for the old version. When you’re ready to upgrade to the Windows 10 version, email us your registration information and we’ll email you back a token you can use to get the new software from the online Microsoft Store.
From within OfficePrinter, select About OfficePrinter from the Help menu. If the version displayed in the About dialog is 3.0 or greater (for example, 3.00.0235), then you are running the new version of OfficePrinter. If it is less than 3.0 (for example, 2.00.0222), then you are running the old version of OfficePrinter.